
South Shore Fall Bucket List

By Laurie Corbett, Publisher, Macaroni Kid South Shore Boston September 19, 2019

I love to make lists and seasonal bucket lists help me figure out what is the most important for our family to do during a particular season. Big or small there are lots of great events, outings and experiences to be had on the South Shore this fall! Here are some things you might not want to miss ...

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Go to a Touch a Truck - Find several on our calendar HERE including one supporting Hingham Nursery School. 

Visit a Pumpkin Patch - Whether it is a fundraising pumpkin patch at a local church or the field at R&C Farm in Scituate we love picking out just the right pumpkins. 

Support a Small Business - Our community is supported and fueled by the many small businesses that call it home and the fall is a great time to show your support of them! You can find several amazing ones in our Business Directory HERE

Take a Hike - Whether you are looking for a picnic hike, group hike, or hidden gem there are so many great places to hike on the South Shore and fall means the weather is a little more comfortable to get out there and explore!

Visit a Farm - From Dalby Farm's final farm day of the season, to Weir River Farm's Open Barnyards and Farm Festival, to Daniel Webster Farm Day there are plenty of chances to visit a farm or two this fall. 

Do Something New - Our calendar is FULL of great family-friendly events and activities. Take a peek and try something new together. Who knows you might find a new family hobby! 

Go Apple Picking - There aren't a lot of choices for apple picking on the South Shore but luckily our friends at Macaroni Kid Worcester, Macaroni Kid Lowell and Macaroni Kid Leominster - Clinton both have some great apple picking guides making our adventure a great road trip!

Bake Something - Fall is my favorite time to bake and try new recipes. If you need inspiration then sign up for our monthly Macaroni Kid Eats newsletter where our #FoodieMoms bring families together one dish at a time. 

Visit a Haunted House - Whether you are looking for a big scare or something more toddler-friendly we have all of the South Shore's best Halloween events and activities on our calendar HERE just choose Search by Category and select Halloween. 

Attend a Fall Festival - There are so many great festivals and fairs going on this time of year it is hard to choose. You could visit Fall for Scituate, Derby Academy's Fall Fair, the Mad Love Music Festival, Goodwill Hunters' Duck Derby, Daniel Webster Farm DayR&C Farm's Pumpkin Drop Festival, Weir River Farm's Farm FestivalFall for Scituate or all of them! 

Create a Leaf Mosaic - Most of us remember creating leaf rubbings when we were kids, and while they are fun why not try something new this year and create a leaf mosaic instead. Check out how to create one HERE. 

Go on a Hayride - Hay and wagon rides always make me think of the fall and it's a great time to go on one. You can find them at the Daniel Webster Farm DayWeir River Farm's Fall FestivalFall for ScituateR&C Farm's Pumpkin Drop Festival and at R&C Farm on weekends through Oct 27th. 

Shop at a Farmers' Market - Fall is the perfect time for grabbing some produce, honey, or other local goods at a farmers market! Find them on our calendar HERE. 

Check Out a New Playground - With the cooler weather fall is a perfect time to get back out to those playgrounds and we are SO lucky to have so many great ones on the South Shore. When I was a kid my dad would take us "playground hopping" and we would spend a morning or afternoon visiting a bunch. It's now a favorite of my kids and is perfect for a weekend afternoon. Find some new South Shore playgrounds to check out HERE. 

Trick or Treat - Trick or treating around our neighborhood is my kids favorite fall activity but you can also trick or treat in Marshfield Center on October 26, and sometimes other towns and venues hold group trick or treating events as well. We will add them to our calendar as we find them! 

Go on a South Shore Quest - If you love to be outside and explore fall is the perfect time to go on a South Shore Quest. Questing season ends November 15th so don't wait to look to check out this South Shore hidden gem. Learn more about South Shore Quests HERE. 

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Macaroni Kid South Shore Boston is a free weekly newsletter and website focused on fun family events and information in 13 towns on Boston's South Shore. We gather together all kinds of local family events and activities each week and add useful information about classes, family-focused businesses, book and product reviews, recipes, crafts, school and camp guides and more. We proudly serve families in Hanover, Norwell, Hingham, Cohasset, Scituate, Hull, Marshfield, Duxbury, Pembroke, Whitman, Hanson, Rockland, and Abington! Subscribe at