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Duxbury Bay Maritime School Fall Happenings

Enrollment is now open for these incredible programs!

By Christina Skeldon & Cam Anello August 21, 2021

The Duxbury Bay Maritime School is a community center on the south shore that specializes in water sports and marine science. This Fall, we have plenty of opportunities to get your little ones connected with the water in both educational and recreational ways. One day you could be learning about ecosystems in estuaries, another day you could be going on an afternoon sail! There is no membership fee and the school is not exclusive to Duxbury residents. DBMS is your access to Duxbury Bay. Continue reading below to see what our Fall offerings are for youth participants.

Marine Science -
For Preschoolers: We have added lots of new Big Fish, Little Fish preschool age programs where a child and their caregiver can learn more about Duxbury Bay and all of the wonderful critters that call it home.
For grades 3-5:  We will pick up your Alden students after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They can choose one or do both days! We will study ocean health, aquaculture and even meteorology!
For grades 6-8: Middle School marine science runs on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are excited to introduce this new program, which will focus on lab-based activities such as water quality measurements, studying marine life under compound microscopes, and setting up and maintaining a saltwater aquarium.
For grades K-2 and 3-5:  ½ day and Vacation day programs. Boat rides, scavenger hunts on the beach, kayaking, and experiments in the Marine Science lab are just a few examples of some of the awesome things they will do during their day off!

Junior Rowing -
For grades 7-8: Join our Junior Rowing program exclusively for 7th & 8th graders. You can expect to work on your technique in the tanks, improve your PRs, and get a ton of time rowing out on the Bay. This is a terrific feeder program for our high school teams. Classes run Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur and we offer transportation directly from Duxbury Middle School for the early classes.  

Junior Sailing -
For grades 6-8: BACK THIS FALL - Middle School Sailing on Tuesdays and Thursdays allows beginner and experienced sailors a chance to sail in Optis, Hartleys and even the Hobie Cat after school.  
For grades 9-12:  Our High School 420 season picks up soon!

If you have any more questions about Duxbury May Maritime School or any of the programs, please reach out to them here!