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Create a Stormwater Pollution or Water Conservation Video

for a Chance to Win a $500 Gift Card!

By North and South Rivers Watershed Association May 28, 2020

Starting May 22nd, 2020, WaterSmart South Shore, the North and South Rivers Watershed Association (NSRWA), and Harbor Media are kicking off a video contest for anyone in our WaterSmart communities.

Now, YOU have an opportunity to help educate the public by creating a fun video that highlights either stormwater pollution and how to prevent it, or ways to conserve water. You don’t need any fancy video equipment to qualify! Videos should be sent to news@harbormedia.org and should be 1-3 minutes in length. The deadline to submit your video is June 22, 2020.

The top winning video will win the grand prize of a $500 gift card. Additional winning videos will receive a NSRWA/Harbor Media swag bag with hats, t-shirts and more.

Videos will be aired on Harbor Media/Norwell Spotlight TV, NSRWA and WaterSmart South Shore websites, and social media accounts, as well as be aired on various South Shore public access stations. A panel of judges will judge the videos based on the following factors. The video must:

  • Be between 1-3 minutes long.
  • Follow the Official Rules of the 2020 WaterSmart Video Contest.
  • Educate and encourage viewers of any age to conserve water. Water conservation ideas can be found on the WaterSmartSouthShore.org website.

WaterSMART is a nonprofit partnership between the NSRWA and 12 towns on the South Shore: Cohasset, Duxbury, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Kingston, Marshfield, Norwell, Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate and Weymouth. Our programs are based on the belief that education is key. Since its creation, WaterSMART has educated thousands of local school-age children, adults, and businesses on water conservation, stormwater pollution, where their water comes from, and how to care for it.

The deadline to submit your video is June 22, 2020.

Details and Official Rules can be found at https://www.nsrwa.org/2020-watersmart-video-contest/