
Sleep Talk: Top Tips your Teen can take for Peaceful Sleep

By Sam Carney, Founder of Blossom Bright May 26, 2020


Sleep plays a MAJOR factor in our overall well being. The quality of our sleep affects our ability to handle stress, the strength of our immune system,  our mental health, and even the health of our skin and hair (beauty sleep ya’ll)! Did you know, that a teenager needs between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night to feel their best…. 8 to 10! That's a lot of sleep but I can admit that I am no walk in the park to be around if I haven’t gotten a full 8-10 hours either.

There are lots of things that can disrupt our sleep schedules and patterns which is why it is so important that we pay attention to how much sleep we are getting as well as the quality of that sleep. If your teen finds herself having trouble getting to bed early or even feeling tired in the evening… they are not alone! According to, one recent study found that only 15% of teens get 8-10 hours of sleep and there may be a reason for this… When we reach our teenage years, the brain begins releasing a hormone called Melatonin later in the evening, which may impact when we begin to feel tired.

Encourage your teen to use these journal prompts to better understand their own sleep patterns.

  • Do you feel well-rested when you wake up or are you still groggy and tired?
  • Do you find yourself needing to take naps throughout the day?
  • What time of day is your energy at its peak?
  • How many times a night do you wake up?
  • What does your bedtime routine look like, if you have one?

As a parent, you can encourage your teens to follow a few of these simple steps in creating some form of evening routine and supporting them in sticking to it. Often times the teens in Blossom Bright will talk about and mimic what they see at home. Do you have an evening routine that works for you? Are you taking time to weave in a self-care ritual in the evening, however big or small? This can really make an impact on teens in setting up their own flow. Below you will find some simple, helpful tips for your teen to begin resetting their internal clock and getting the sleep they need.


  • Bedtime Routine (1 hour before going to bed). Our brains are wired to pick up on patterns so as we follow some form of evening routine, doing the same type of things every night (ex. Reading a book, making tea, taking a bath) will train our body to pick up the signals that it is time to relax and sleep. ex. Every night as I am getting ready to begin winding down, I will make a warm cup of tea - usually a nice sleepy time blend (something with either chamomile, lavender, passionflower, valerian, lemon balm)
  • Brain Dumping (Thank you, Brenda, for this!). Before going to bed, take some time to journal or jot down all the thoughts, reminders, or worries swirling around in your mind. Some people even find it helpful to write out what happened during the day. This will help your mind process and release all the small and big things, leaving you less likely to stay awake thinking or stressing at night.
  • Create a bed and wake-time. And do your very best to stick to it, even on the weekends (or as close to it as you can). This one will help you to sync up with your body’s natural circadian rhythms.
  • Open the curtains in the morning. Let that light shine in, girl Open up the curtains, crack a window if it is warm enough and let your body adjust to the natural light. This signals to your body and rhythms that it is time to wake up and be alert.

By encouraging our teens to observe their own patterns around sleep, they are able to gain the information they need to make the changes they want to see. No one likes feeling groggy, cranky, and overtired. Rest assured there are steps to take with commitment that can help reset the internal clock to start getting the rest teens need to feel their best!

Join our newsletter to receive a Blossom Bright Evening Checklist to guide your teen through the list above. Sign up here to receive our Evening Checklist.  

From my heart to your heart,

Sam Carney

Founder of Blossom Bright

Blossom Bright is more than a holistic mentorship program, it is a sisterhood that welcomes inclusivity. It is a circle of girls and women that is growing wider each day. One where we learn that it is safe to love ourselves, to see the beauty within our own hearts, to honor and support each other and accept ourselves - where we are, how we are. Learn more at