Carrie the Musical is based on the novel originally published in 1974 by Stephen King, Carrie. Carrie is the story of Carrie White who is a misfit at school who endures daily bullying and then goes home to an over bearing, over protective, suffocating and cruel mother who contributes further to Carrie's awkwardness and inability to relate to her peers.
To contribute to her confusion she slowly discovers that she has telekinetic abilities and displays the most of her abilities in a dramatic ending. To say much more would ruin the rest of the story for anyone (is there anyone?) who hasn't read the book or seen the movie which opened in 1976.
With many thanks to the theatre I had the pleasure of attending Carrie this past weekend. The show was fantastic! Hosted by the Teen Conservatory of ACT, the actors were great and the music and the singing was astronomical! I was absolutely astounded at the musical talent in these young kids.
Whether you already knew the story or not you would have been entertained!
The Company Theatre for the Arts is a hidden gem located in Norwell on Accord Park Drive. Tickets are always reasonably priced and there isn't a bad seat in the house. I have been to many shows here and have never been disappointed.
The Company Theater has posted their 2017 season on their website which includes Sister Act, the Lion King Jr, and The Little Mermaid. Don't miss out! Learn more at