
Fireworks Cookies

Macaroni Celebrates

By Laurie Corbett, Publisher Mom, South Shore Boston June 27, 2013
These cookies are really simple, and definitely sound like fireworks going off in your mouth as you eat them! Have fun, and experiment, with different cookie and frosting flavors. If you want more of a challenge make your own, but for this recipe we just used three store-bought ingredients. 

What you'll need:
Sugar cookies
White Frosting
Carbonated candy that explode in your mouth

We picked up a package of 8 store-brand sugar cookies in the cookie asile of our grocery store for $1! We frosted them with our favorite store-bought whipped cream cheese frosting, but any white frosting, store-bought or homemade would work. We then sprinkled red carbonated candy on top of each cookie. They sounded like sparklers as they hit the frosting, but when we ate them it was like fireworks going off in our mouth! So fun, and so simple!

*Sprinkle the carbonated candy on the cookies right before you serve them because they don't store well!