
Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week with NAPS™

By Emily Silver, NP-C, IBCLC, co-founder of NAPS and mom to 3 girls August 3, 2022

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, we are highlighting NAPS™ (Newborn and Parenting Support), a company that supports all families on their feeding journey; whether it be breastfeeding, pumping, using bottles of breastmilk or formula, or a combo of all of the above. NAPS has created a digital health platform called Nurture by NAPS which makes it easy to access knowledge from anywhere in the country.  

As a Family NP and IBCLC, I have been helping women and their families for almost 15 years. From the labor and delivery room, to in-office OB appointments, to in-home postpartum visits, I’ve seen it all. So in honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I thought I’d point out common misconceptions in the lactation world. Here are the big ones:

1. You have to be exclusively breastfeeding to see a lactation consultant after you’ve had a baby.

2. You have to have a huge problem or complication to book a visit with a lactation consultant.

3. Breastfeeding is the “end all be all,” and you should sacrifice your physical, emotional, and mental health to do it.

I know that Misconception #3 above might sound off-putting coming out of an IBCLC’s mouth. Don’t get me wrong… I LOVED breastfeeding. I breastfed all 3 of my girls, but those journeys were all incredibly unique. My first, who is now 7, was breastfed for almost a year.  My second, who is now 5, was breastfed for about 10 months, but I also pumped and gave her formula. My third was breastfed for almost 8 weeks before I weaned and exclusively went to formula. I am here to report that they are all diverse eaters, decent sleepers, intelligent little humans and are equally happy, healthy and f!ing thriving.

So what is my point? The thing is, even for a seasoned NP and IBCLC like me, feeding journeys are going to look different for every scenario, and that is OK.  But how do you find the right feeding journey for you?  If you ask me, you do it by bringing in trusted experts who are Registered Nurses, lactation consultants and real-life parents to help you navigate what is truly best for you and your family. At NAPS, we put a huge emphasis on this: we listen first and create a plan second. And we involve our clients in the planning, every step of the way.

Here’s how we generally go on that journey with our parents. At NAPS, we recommend that all of our families see a lactation consultant that first week home. This should happen whether or not you have a problem, whether or not you’re confident in your breastfeeding.  

A lactation consult with NAPS is so much more than a simple consultation. During these sessions, our RNs weigh your baby, do a feed with you, troubleshoot your latch so it’s deep and you don’t develop pain, establish if your milk is in yet and if your baby is drinking that milk.  We take your pump out of the box and size your flanges, then we’ll turn it on together, and show you how to clean it and use it.

We will explain how and when you can pump so your partner or family member can give a bottle while you take a much-deserved break.  We will teach you how to pace a bottle feed and talk about how else your family can support you, so you can tag-team feeding this new baby. We will take your crying baby (as our NP, Ellen, always says “ABC = All Babies Cry”) and show you how to swaddle and soothe them.  It’s the first appointment of many. Your RN and Lactation Consultant is going to become one of your people.  You will get continued support through our online membership, Nurture, after a visit and can have as many follow-up visits as you’d like to navigate parenting questions and changes with your baby over those first weeks, to months, to years to come.

If you’re looking for feeding support that’s actually supportive, reach out to us at NAPS. We can see you in person or virtually, we can talk to you on the phone, or you can join us live in our online membership.  

Our online membership, Nurture by NAPS, offers short videos and classes on all stages of parenting.  The most widely used tool is our Ask A Nurse forum where you can write questions to a real RN or NP anytime, and we will reply to you within 24 hours.  Those same RNs and NPs do weekly live calls too.

Come in, check it out, and take a deep parenting sigh of relief. Utilize a special discount for World Breastfeeding Month via our Macaroni Kid Moms to try Nurture by NAPS out for 30 days for $30 using code: MACARONI30. And for more tips, info and laughs, follow @NurturebyNaps.