
Easy Striped Spring Craft

By Ms. Bethany, Child Development Instructor and Teacher April 9, 2020

My kids love this craft! It looks impressive, but it's super simple.  Just glue and paper!


  • Strips of colored paper (I cut them this time, but your older kids could easily cut these out)
  • Glue
  • White paper Bunny template (like this one or any other shape- flower, bird, rainbow, dinosaur, Easter egg... whatever your children like!)
  • Paint brush or we used a clothes pin with a cotton ball
  • Scissors

  1. Have your child start gluing the colored strips of paper onto her white paper. Older kids can use patterns to neatly glue their stripes, younger kids can use this for color identification practice ("Would you like pink or green? Do you want another yellow or a purple?"). The strips of paper do not have to be neatly glued. As long as their glued down, they are fine!  
  2. Because we made bunnies, we used clothes pins with "bunny tails" or a cotton balls to spread the glue on our papers.
  3. Next, just cut out the bunny (dinosaur, Easter egg, flower..) from the template and only keep the boarder of the paper.  
  4. Put glue all around the outside of the striped paper and glue down the boarder.

There you have it! A beautiful, colorful spring craft. Use scissors to cut any long ends of colored paper to neaten up your final product. This is a great one to hang right on the fridge. Happy Spring!

Ms. Bethany is a Child Development Instructor and Teacher on Boston's South Shore. As a child she would sit all of her stuffed animals around a small chalkboard to teach letter and numbers. After graduating from Framingham State College she worked in the Plymouth and Scituate Public Schools. After becoming a mom she began working part time at Isis Parenting in Hanover, teaching child development, art and music classes. When Isis Parenting closed in 2014 she decided to continue to share her knowledge and creativity with families across the South Shore through music, discussion, developmental activities, and fun at libraries and birthday parties. She also holds a Masters degree in Education from Fitchburg State University